Simultaneous interpreting
We offer quality simultaneous interpreting for large and multilingual events.
Simultaneous interpreting or instantaneous interpreting fits especially well for multilingual conferences and events. Simultaneous interpreting as the name suggests happens at the same time as the original talk, which means that all the attendants can follow the event in real-time in their language.
Suomen Tulkkauspalvelu Oy offers high-quality conference interpreting such as simultaneous interpreting. In addition to skilled professional interpreting, they take care of all the equipment and setting up. Get a quoteand we will customise the best option for your event.
How does simultaneous interpreting practically happen?
simultaneous interpreting is a great option to interpret speech only to those who need it in large and multilingual conferences, meetings and events.
Simultaneous interpreting is concurrent interpreting which is usually used in larger speaker events with dozens or hundreds of participants. If there are members of the audience, who do not understand the presenting language, it is possible to arrange simultaneous interpreting for them. That means that the interpreter sits in a soundproof interpreting booth and translates the speech simultaneously to a microphone, from which the translation is transferred to the earbuds of those listeners who need it. In this way the presentation can be interpreted to several people at the same time without disturbing the other audience members.
simultaneous interpreting is and excellent way to offer the events content in and understandable way to all of the multilingual attendees.
Suomen Tulkkauspalvelu Oy offers high quality simultaneous interpreting with robust experience, expertise and armed with a wide language selection. Get a quote, and we'll talk more!
”We were happy with the simultaneous interpreting ordered from you. We made the request with an express timetable, but everything went without complications – we received an offer from you quickly as well as the confirmation about the possibility to do the interpretation.
We will be in contact with you if there is need for interpretation in the future. Thank you for good service.”
Simultaneous interpretation requires the combination of quality and speed.
Simultaneous interpretation is a challenging form of interpretation because it requires a combination of quality and speed. The fact that the interpretation happens at the same time as the original speech, all the technology in the background has to work seamlessly. To make the event fruitful for every attendee, the quality and speed of the simultaneous interpretation should be excellent.
It's helpful to reserve the simultaneous interpretation and give the interpreters an opportunity to get familiar with the materials well before the event, preferably 3 to 4 weeks before the start of the event. Because of the difficulty of the interpretation, there are usually two interpreters in the booth who alternate, and every language has its own booth.
Suomen Tulkkauspalvelu Oy offers high-quality simultaneous interpreting by skilled professionals and a wide selection of languages. We will take care of all the equipment and installation. In one package you will easily get everything from us that is needed for the interpretation. Most of our customers have been satisfied with the interpretation quality. Are you going to be our next satisfied customer?
Simultaneous or consecutive interpreting?
Choose the right interpreting service for your event!
What kind of equipment does simultaneous interpreting require?
In addition to skilled professionals, simultaneous interpretation requires appropriate equipment such as a booth, microphones for interpreters and headphones for everyone who needs interpreting.
From us, you will get everything you need for a successful simultaneous interpretation. Including skilled professionals and everything set up ready for action. Not only do we offer skilled professionals for simultaneous interpreting, but we also bring to the spot all the equipment fully installed. We take care of the interpretation with precision, fast and professionally by our efficient professionals.
A multilingual conference could not go easier than this!

If simultaneous interpretation is not the right choice for your event, what are the other options for conference interpreting?
There are as many different events, conferences, meetings and events as there are organizers. It is clear that a single interpretation solution is not the best option for all events. In addition to simultaneous interpretation, which is best suited for large and multilingual events, Suomen Tulkkauspalvelu Oy also offers other types of professional conference interpreting, such as consecutive interpreting suitable for small and interactive events, and low-cost whispering for even smaller events.
If simultaneous interpreting is not suitable for your event, what other options exist for conference interpreting? Get to know also the other options that can be used in conferences or other spoken events. Our multilingual and professional interpreters help you in all situations. If the event is clearly bilingual, choose consecutive interpreting in which the speaker and the interpreter take turns in performing in different languages. If there are only a few members of the audience who need interpreting, whispered interpreting is recommended.
“We requested simultaneous interpreting and proofreading service for a representative event from Suomen Tulkkauspalvelu, which made it possible for a maximum number of people to attend. We felt that there was professional interpreting going on the whole time. I got the feeling that the practice was very professional, and everything worked well in the event.”
Read more about our other interpreting services and choose the most suitable option for your event:
We take care of the interpreting and all the technology.
You can get all the different fields of conference interpreting from us:

- simultaneous interpreting
- consecutive interpreting
- whispered interpreting
- Simultaneous interpretation equipment & interpreter booths
- Microphones and sound reinforcement
- Interpreting Technician
Me vastaamme tulkkauksesta ja kaikesta tekniikasta, jolloin sinä voit keskittyä tapahtumasi sisältöön ja yleisöön täysillä ja huoletta.
Read more about equipment.
”Asiakaspalvelu loistava! Tosi hyvin olette palvelleet siitä huolimatta, että meillä on kauheeta säätämistä välillä.
Tulkki on ihan timantti! Meidän enkunkieliset työntekijät ovat olleet tosi tyytyväisiä käännöksen laatuun.”
”We have requested interpreting for events and simultaneous interpreting as well as translation services in various different languages, such as English, Japanese and Russian. The contact person from Suomen Tulkkauspalvelu took care of the requests well and everything went brilliantly – as a client, we felt happy and secure. When things started to progress, all went well from start to finish. We were very satisfied with their service and operations."
Simultaanitulkkauksen eli samanaikaistulkkauksen etuja ovat:
- Mahdollisuus kääntää monikielisten konferenssien, kokousten ja muiden tapahtumien sisältöjä kunkin osallistujan äidinkielelle
- Tulkkaus samanaikaisesti alkuperäisen puheen kanssa
- Tulkkausmahdollisuus samanaikaisesti useille eri kielille
- Tulkkauksen kohdistaminen vain sitä tarvitseville osallistujille muiden osallistujien häiriintymättä
- Tulkkauksen korkea laatu tulkkauskopin mahdollistaman tulkin työrauhan ansiosta
- Ajan säästäminen tulkkauksen tapahtuessa samaan aikaan alkuperäisen puheen kanssa
Varaa monikieliseen konferenssiin laadukas simultaanitulkkaus
Varaa meiltä laadukas simultaanitulkkaus monikieliseen konferenssiin, kokoukseen tai muuhun tapahtumaan. Anna kaikille osallistujille mahdollisuus ymmärtää esityksiä omalla äidinkielellään. Voit itse keskittyä vain tapahtuman järjestämiseen ja vieraisiin – me hoidamme loput.
Klikkaa alla olevaa painiketta ja kerro lisää tulevasta konferenssitulkkausta kaipaavasta tapahtumastasi, niin teemme sinulle juuri siihen parhaiten sopivan tarjouksen!
Suomen Tulkkauspalvelu Oy tarjoaa laadukasta konferenssitulkkausta juuri sinun tarpeisiisi – onko valintasi simultaanitulkkaus eli samanaikaistulkkaus suuriin ja monikielisiin konferensseihin, konsekutiivitulkkaus eli peräkkäistulkkaus pienempiin ja kaksikielisiin kokouksiin vai kuiskaustulkkaus vieläkin pienempien tilaisuuksien yksilölliseen tulkkaukseen? Contact Us, and we'll talk more!