Consecutive interpreting

Reserve consecutive interpreting for a bilingual conference.

The best way to interpret a bilingual conference is high-quality consecutive interpreting. This means interpreting where one speaker speaks after the other. Offer all the participants the possibility to understand the content of a conference or other spoken event.

Konsekutiivitulkkaus tarkoittaa sitä, että puhuja ja tulkki esiintyvät vuorotellen 1-5 minuutin ajan. Tämä menetelmä on selkeästi paras vaihtoehto  kaksikielisiin tapahtumiin, joissa kääntämiselle on varattu riittävästi aikaa. Ammattimaiset tulkkimme ovat varmoja esiintyjiä ja selkeäsanaisia puhujia, joten konferenssi tai muu puhetilaisuus hoituu kokenein ottein.

Tell us, what kind of event you are organizing, and we search for the best option for you!

Simultaneous or consecutive interpreting?

Choose the right interpreting service for your event!

What kind of equipment is required for consecutive interpreting?

Consecutive interpreting does not require separate interpreting equipment, but a microphone and sound system might be necessary so that a good audibility is guaranteed for the speakers and the audience. We deliver all necessary equipment to the location so that the conference goes as smoothly as possible.

You should note that the consecutive interpreting requires double the time because in practice all speeches are held twice. It is also good to note that one interpreter can translate one hour at the time, so it is recommendable to book several interpreters for a longer event.

What other interpreting methods can be used in spoken events?

Get to know other interpreting methods which you can also use in multilingual conferences or spoken events. Our professional interpreters help you in all situations. If the audience is multilingual or the time is limited, choose simultaneous interpreting in which the speaker and the interpreter speak at the same time and the translation goes directly to the listeners headphones. If there are only a few individuals in the audience who need interpreting, a whispered interpreting is a good choice.

Simultaneous interpreting

Whispered interpreting


Do you need high-quality, professional consecutive interpreting?

Click the button below and tell us about your upcoming event. We will make you an offer!