*Oikeustulkkauksen, konferenssitulkkauksen ja asioimistulkkauksen hinnoittelu riippuu mm. kielen harvinaisuudesta ja aikataulusta.
Ota yhteyttä ja kysy lisää.

** In-person interpreting outside the capital region: minimum charge is three (3) hours.

Get to know our interpreting services.

Additional charges

Weekday evenings
Klo 17.00-21.00 korotus 50 % ja klo 21.00-7.00 korotus 100 %.

Interpreting on Saturdays
Klo 8.00-16.00 korotus 50 % ja klo 16.00-8.00 korotus 100 %.

Sundays and bank holidays
Korotus 100 %.

Express charge
Tulkkauksen suorittaminen kahden arkipäivän sisällä tilauksesta: 20 €/tunti, mutta vähintään 20 €/tilaus.

On-call charge
Tilaus vastaanotettu päivystysaikana: ma-pe klo 17.00-8.00 sekä la-su: 25 €/tilaus.

Travel costs, daily subsistence allowances, accommodation expenses
The travel costs are charged according to the cheapest option, that is to say, the public transport.
Daily subsistence allowances and accommodation expenses are charged separately according to the national legislation on travel expenses.

If the return trip to the interpreting location takes over two hours, the client is charged at least three interpreting hours even if the real interpreting time was shorter.

Cancelling interpreting

The interpreting is charged according to the order if the cancellation is done after 12pm on the previous working day, on the same day, or if the client does not arrive to the interpreting location.

Do you need a high-quality interpreting service?

Click the button below and order interpreting easily and safely!

Or by email:


For the price estimation we need information about the topic, the purpose of use and length of the text.

You can send a small abstract of the text or the whole text by email to the address: by using the form..

Give it a try – requesting an offer does not bind you in any way.

Before starting the translation work you get from us:

  • Sitovan hintatarjouksen
  • Tiedon toimitusajasta

Our translation on-call service operates 24/7 so we can react to translation needs also in a fast schedule.

Käytämme sivuhinnoittelua. 1560 merkkiä = sivu.
The fee for an authorized translation hinta on noin 65 € + alv 24%/sivu 
Ns. Tavallisen käännöksen hinta on noin 40 € + alv 24 %/sivu

With longer texts we use the so called quantity discount, so the longer the text, the cheaper the price in correlation with the number of pages.

Get to know our translation services.


Do you need a high-quality translation service?

Click the button below and ask more about the translation, we make you an offer and you can then decide if you accept it!



We charge for the cancelation of translation orders if the translation offer has been accepted and the translation work already started.


Hintoihin lisätään alv 24 %.