kuiskaustulkkaus vai
Simultaanitulkkaus, kuiskaustulkkaus vai konsekutiivitulkkaus – valitse oikea tulkkauspalvelu tilaisuuteesi!
Multilingual events sometimes require interpreting help so that all the attenders and speakers can get the most out of the event regardless of their language. Simultaneous interpreting, consecutive interpreting or perhaps whispered interpreting – which method is the best suited for your event?
It is clear that in large, multilingual conferences not everyone necessarily has a language in common. It is important to take all the listeners in account so that the experience is equal for everyone and the speaker’s message is definitely understood correctly. For this type of events we recommend simultaneous interpreting. For slightly smaller events, another option is also whispered interpreting.
Interpreting help can also be needed in, for example, business negotiations or in other events with just a few participants in which the different parties do not speak the same language. For smaller events, a more suitable option is consecutive interpreting. Sitä käytetään usein tilanteissa, joissa ei ole varsinaisesti puhujaa ja yleisöä, vaan kyseessä on enemmänkin vuorovaikutteinen tilanne.
What is simultaneous interpreting?
Simultaneous interpreting is concurrent interpreting which is usually used in larger speaker events with dozens or hundreds of participants. If there are members of the audience, who do not understand the presenting language, it is possible to arrange a simultaneous interpreting for them. That means that the interpreter sits in a soundproof interpreting booth and translates the speech simultaneously to a microphone, from which the translation is transferred to the ear buds of those listeners who need it. In this way the presentation can be interpreted to several people at the same time without disturbing the other audience members.
There are two interpreters in who take turns in one booth, because translation work is hard and demands concentration. One language is translated in each booth, but there can also be several booths in which case the translation can be done to many different languages.
What should be taken into account?
Simultaneous interpreting is a challenging form of interpreting that takes familiarizing. Because of this, it should be ordered in well in advance, at least 1-2 weeks before the event. We ask to receive the presentation material as early as possible so that the interpreters have time to familiarizes themselves well with the topic.
Benefits of simultaneous interpreting:
- Can be used in large speaking and audience events
- Other audience members are not disturbed because the interpreting is only heard by those who need it
- The conference or other event is kept in its original timeframe
- Interpreting is of high-quality because the interpreters can work in peace
What is whispered interpreting?
Whispered interpreting is one form of simultaneous interpreting, which is done with a portable equipment or without equipment. Because the interpreting is done, as the name suggests, by whispering, it can be offered without equipment to a maximum of two members of the audience at the time. The interpreter sits amongst the audience and translates the speaker’s words simultaneously to those individuals who sit close by. With portable equipment the interpreting can be offered to up to dozens of participants.
Whispered interpreting is a more economical option than simultaneous interpreting, but its problem is that it is hard on the vocal chords of the speaker and can disturb those sitting close. The whispered interpreting can also be done with a portable equipment and, in this case, the interpreter translates the speeches in a low and quiet voice to a microphone among the audience and the sound in transferred to the earbuds of those who need the interpreting. However, this method is more suitable for small public events.
What should be taken into account?
The interpreting service should be reserved a few weeks before the event so that the interpreter is left with enough time to get to know the topics and materials. It is important that the interpreter has as good background knowledge as possible about the event, which means that all the material should be delivered to the interpreter well in advance.
Benefits of the whispered interpreting:
- Simultaanitulkkausta edullisempi vaihtoehto pienempiin tilaisuuksiin
- Interpreting is simultaneous, so the conference or other event is kept in its original timeframe
What is consecutive interpreting?
Consecutive interpreting is successive interpreting in which the speaker and the interpreter take turns in speaking. The interpreting method is best suited for small, interactive events such as negotiations, dinners, visits, business meetings or company presentations. It is suitable for situations in which there is no official presentation or speaker and audience, but the event is unscripted and interactive. No equipment is needed with consecutive interpreting and one interpreter is enough.
What should be taken into account?
The interpreting should be reserved in good time (1-2 weeks in advance) and as large description as possible of the type of the event should be given. Because there is no presentation or script as such, the interpreter cannot get to know the material beforehand. It would be good to deliver to the interpreter, for example, specific vocabulary relating to the area or other material that can be of use.
Benefits of the consecutive interpreting:
- Suitable for smaller, more interactive events
- No need for equipment
- One interpreter is enough
Suomen Tulkkauspalvelu offers high-quality simultaneous, whispered and consecutive interpreting in a large selection of languages. Additionally, we also offer the equipment needed for simultaneous interpreting, installed at the location and together with a technician, who makes sure that the equipment functions during the event. In order to make sure, that those members of the audience who need interpreting get as much out of the event as possible, we also offer translation service, . With this service, the audience members get the presentation materials printed in their own mother tongue.